Earning an income from home

When my youngest son was three months old I felt myself searching for something else. Something I could do that would get me out of the mum mindset. Now don't get me wrong, I love love being a mother but sometimes you lose yourself when you become a mother. I wanted to get a bit of me back and I thought that earning some money from home might be a good way to go.

I was already busy, at the time I had three children aged four, two and three months. I was helping run our two agriculture businesses which I loved but I have to admit I dislike the fact that we have to rely so heavily on the weather for income.

When I came across an opportunity to run my own business from home with very little outlay, a product that was directly shipped to the customer and it wasn't party plan... I jumped at the chance. Couple that with the fact it was a company really making a name for itself in the industry and I realised I didn't want to miss out. SO I took the chance. Am I glad I did? You bet your bottom dollar I am. Its making a huge contribution to our families monthly income and I work most of it from my phone whenever it suits me.

If this is something you have ever thought about doing I would love to chat to you about it further. Please feel free to contact me either via the form on the right or through my email acountrymum@hotmail.com.

I look forward to chatting to you!